Friday, March 10, 2017

[Yasmin_discussions] A story and a request

This will be the fourth summer the Graphics Research Group at Western Connecticut State University will be hosting its Summer Graphics Research Institute. This is also the second summer we'll be working on a STEAM project, the purpose of which is to develop a standard language for computer animation character behaviors.

Essentially, we're looking at the way such behaviors are described in the literature, and then developing a simple taxonomy of terms. So far, the breadth of language used is overwhelming. Some writers even go so far as to use phrases such as, "you'll know it when you see it."

Why did we start this work? Because language is at the heart of communication, and if we are to advance the field of computer character animation, we need to "speak the same language." Terms, and their definitions, need to be agreed to, so we know whether we're comparing apples to apples, or apples to oranges. <grin>

That said, I'm also the Director of the Undergraduate Research Alliance and would like to invite each and every one of you who engages in original research with undergraduates to join us. And, if you happen to be at SIGGRAPH this year in LA, you can join us at our BOF.

Nuff said!
Bill Joel

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