Dear friends and colleagues around Mediterranean basin and around the Globe,
I am writing you as a member of Leonardo's workgroup Artist and
Scientists in Times of War,
but first of all as a person.
Refugee movement we are facing last months in South-Eastern Europe are
much more massive than any before, in terms of a number of people
being in a migration movement. As the winter is coming closer, we
might be facing an enormous humanitarian and human catastrophe.
Yasmin list was formed, long time ago, precisely in the area now being
responsible for human lives that are deprived peace, home and security
around Mediterranean basin. We do got a network of people from the
Middle East, South Europe, Deep Balkans to Western EU and I find this
a humanitarian privilege at the moment. We can react and we should!
While waiting for your proposals in regard and activation plans, I am
proposing the following;
translation wherever possible (from Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Serbian,
Croatian, German...)
lobbying and PR for the acceptance of refugees in local communities
assistance to fellow colleagues (artists and scientists, programmers)
in finding jobs
gathering a collection of links and platforms (social platforms) that
may assist re-connecting of broken families, (one good thing is – they
are equipped with their mobile phones)
collecting humanitarian aid.
Looking forward to your suggestions, ideas and comments,
best regards, Ana Peraica
YASMINERS: if you are interested in publishing an article on your work
related to the theme
artists and scientists in times of way- check out the call:
Dear Roger, emails come back from Yasmin and Yasmin announcement. Can
you please forward? Hope we manage to make some change, Ana
( to all yasminers- when posting use the same email address that you
subscribe with otherwise the spam system rejects you- you must have a
identity at least in this context !!_
Roger F Malina
Yasmin_discussions mailing list
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