it is good to see the growing critique of dominant innovation discourse !
roger malina
Information and Knowledge for All:
Towards an Inclusive Innovation
The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities
13th Edition
Organised by
The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud
And UNESCO's Intergovernmental Information for All programme (IFAP)
Paris, July 3 & 4 2017
With a Regional Focus :
The central theme of the 13th Edition of the World Intellectual
Capital (IC) Conference is "Information and Knowledge for All:
Towards An Inclusive Innovation". The topic of this year is largely
justified by the increasing gap in revenues distribution at the global
level. Hence among others the development of the concept of
"inclusive Innovation", generally defined as the innovation supplied
by a group of people- generally low-income- excluded from it (OECD
2013, Kaplinsky, 2011, Foster, Heeks, 2013). Hence the interest paid
by scholars, policy makers and industry to the Base of the Economy
Pyramid, a market which represents $5 trillion income segment (Aalto
Global Impact). The inclusiveness concerns not only developing
countries but also developed ones. Hence the issue of looking at
innovation , not as a generally linear process, with stable roles for
organizations and institutions, but more importantly as a way of
improving living the conditions for excluded people. Inclusive
innovation is therefore a way of creating / exploring new markets for
products and services for people, and hence for improving their living
conditions. From the policy perspective, inclusive innovation might
raise several conflicting issues, especially with regards to the
fairness in distribution of income and growth, job creation and
competitiveness, growth maximization and equity considerations (Mohnen
& Stare). From the business perspective, innovation inclusiveness
opens the way for considering the issue of innovation from the new
perspective: creating new markets, developing new learning and ideas,
and bridging local resources with global ones. From the societal
perspective, the development of societal innovation approaches and
practices, attests to the limits of the traditional organizational-
centric approach, and to the growing role of society as a hub for
innovation. These approaches open new spaces for ideas, information
circulation and social links.
The critical role of information, data & digital resources
In this context, information (and data) play a critical role:
information accessibility and circulation are critical resources.
Innovation is possible only if information – and data- are shared.
Hence the importance of considering the way information is made
available for all. This means accessibility, transparency, trust and
also the deployment of public data policy, the implementation of ad
hoc platforms and the considerations of the way collective
intelligence is mobilized. We can see from here that innovation for
all and Information for All are the facets of the same phenomenon: the
initiation and deployment of innovative ecosystem, where transaction
and organicity play complementary roles. As it has been attested by
many innovation, information technology, data and digital platforms
play a critical role. This is typically the case for known and
successful experiences such as MPESA payment system in Kenya, or of
specific IFAP projects such as the Computing Clubs for Young People in
Cuba, or the Library watchwords in Ghana. There is a learning process
to be organized around the issue of the relationship between
dissemination of information, its transparency and reliability and the
capacity of communities to innovate in terms of outputs, processes and
Institutional innovation
The outcomes of these changes in the way communities organize for
improving their wellbeing is closely related to the way "institutions"
orchestrate their roles and contributions to the design of new
instruments and roles for themselves as well as for the other members
of the communities. The city of Chicago for instance is developing
innovations by selecting "lead users" (Von Hippel) for such
innovations, which is a process far away from the way these
institutions traditionally act and intervene. Several innovations are
underway in different contexts, which attest to the importance of
institutional innovation the consideration of a variety of roles for
these institutions.
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Roger F Malina
is in Paris- +33680459447
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