Dear All,
Perhaps it is useful for us to create a taxonomy of the different types of collaboration and write where which problems occur, so that solutions may be collected. I'm sure others will have written about this, but just to summarize a rough initial list:
1) Collaboration to illustrate science (here science commissions artists to help illustrate, often as translation to the general public)
2) Collaboration in which artists in labs 'playing' with the 'fun things' one finds in labs (in search for for instance new aesthetic)
3) Collaboration with actual integration of methods (may include all aspects of the above) - This I would refer to as artistic research or art research
- led by individual artist (where scientists are advising collaborators)
- led by scientist (Where artists are advising collaborators)
- led by an artist and a scientist in a team
* methods are very different when collaborating with humanities or engineering - different methods, different problems...
4) Network collaboration
- corporate collaboration (funds, knowledge production)
- organizational collaboration (non-profit funds, PR)
- institutional collaboration (PR, presentation locations)
5) Institutional Collaboration (when the initiative comes from a university)
* the very real issues that happen related to time organization etc
To be clear on the different types of art research-artistic research, here is a small list I once put together to explain the different types of students that participated in the Honours Programme Art and Research:
5 Types of Participatory art research-artistic research students
1. A university student interested to get closer to art with the interest of gaining depth and new perspective in relation to their own discipline. Participating observer.
2. A university student who is interested in the integration of artistic methods without aspiration of making art. Integrating artistic methods as an enrichment of academic methodologies. Art without the artist. Methods of re-enactment.
3. A hybrid student. One who seeks new forms of knowledge production combining artistic and academic methods aiming for the highest achievements in both methodologies.
4. An art student who wants to get closer to the theories that are related to his work. Aims for high artistic achievement. Knowledge development is Secondary.
5. An art student who wants to get inspired by academic theories. To get closer to science. Theories are applied to suit the artist and are not tested or analyzed for truth.
Jennifer Kanary
Jennifer Kanary Nikolov(a)| Artistic Researcher
PhD Candidate Plymouth University | Planetary Collegium | M-Node |||| @roomforthoughts
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