Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[Yasmin_discussions] Solu-Hyperinstrument



Publicámos hoje em http://3kta.net/solu imagens e vídeo do
hiperinstrumento 'SoLu' desenhado para demonstrar a teoria 'Visible
and Audible Spectrums - a proposal of correspondence' na 'EVA
Conference - Electronic Visualisation and the Arts' que aconteceu no
passado mês de Julho na BCS - British Computer Society em Londres.




We published today at http://3kta.net/solu images and video from the
hyperinstrument 'SoLu' designed to demonstrate the theory 'Visible
and Audible Spectrums - A Proposal of Correspondence' in the
'Conference EVA - Electronic Visualisation and the Arts' that
happened last July at the BCS - British Computer Society in London.


Scholarship Fellow FCT, 2009
Science and Technology of Art Researcher, UCP 2008
PhD Student, UCP 2008
MFA, UCP 2002
Art Director - 3kta
Custom Software and Intermedia Concepts
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