Friday, April 29, 2016

[Yasmin_discussions] Fwd: Remembering Harold Cohen

we have some sad news today of the passing of Harold Cohen
that frieder nake informs us

By all criteria harold cohen was an exemplar of the kind
if hybric practice that we have been discussing on the
YASMIN Mercado Central list

His practice, as an artist, pioneered a number of theoretical
and technical innovations that has proved to be both pioneering
and influential on the direction of art-science-technology research
and art making

we welcome yasminers know harold cohen for their memories
and comments from those who knew and admired his work

roger malina

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: nake <

Dear Roger,

I guess you have got the word that Harold Cohen, the greatest in our
small field of algorithmic art, died on 27 April.


Frieder Nake
University of Bremen, Informatik | Hochschule fuer Kuenste Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440, 28334 Bremen, Germany | 0421-218 64485 | @CarlCanary |
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