Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Yasmin_discussions Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

1. reply to joel: is artscience a new discipline or do we need
other concepts (YASMIN DISCUSSIONS)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2019 12:20:19 -0600
From: YASMIN DISCUSSIONS <yasmin_discussions@ntlab.gr>
To: yasmin_discussions@ntlab.gr
Subject: [Yasmin_discussions] reply to joel: is artscience a new
discipline or do we need other concepts
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


i think i am replying to joel- for some reason the archive doesnt give
the email address of people who
post- please sign your posts !!
roger malina

the question raised by 'joel' is:

"""I've been dipping in and out of this discussion and it fascinates
me because it reflects an attempt to bring our ruminations on the
Art-Science connection from the abstract to the concrete, specifically
with respect to education. In that regard I would like to offer the
following based on my experiences.

There has been considerable talk about whether or not the Art-Science
connection could, or has, yielded a new discipline, much in the way
new disciplines have emerged in the past from the intersection of
other, more established areas of inquiry.""

my response to this:
so: is artscience a new emerging discipline or do we need a new
concept of how to substructure knowledge, and knowledge creating

a) an easy point. Almost all human organisations are 'tree structured
hierarchies". There is typically one 'ceo' or 'president' of the
organisation, with deputies, and then various subdivisions (schools
and departments). There some discussion in the business world of
'horizontal organisations', the need for 'floating' employees etc

perhaps the last failed attempts are centered on creating schools of
'interdisciplinary studies' that started in the 1990s. Most of these
have disappeared or have failed to achieve the promised goals of their

perhaps one opportunity for new approaches to the problem of recurrent
problem of bridging disciplines is the new phase of non institinal or
place based learning, ie on line education. During the era of TV,
there were TV based universities which tended still to have discipline
based programs. With on line learning, and the emergence of'on line
certificates, perhaps an individual can 'aggregate' on line
certificates in a transdisciplinary way to create 'diplomas'. In our
artscilab at UTD through the HERMES project led by alex topete we will
start awarding certificates for 'transdisciplinary apprenticeships'
via EdX certificates.

in the meantime we all will continue to struggle, as people have for
centuries, to create intyer.mutli/transdisciplinary temporary
structures in hierarchical tree structure universities. There is no
best method for artscience, but hopefully many good ones.

a totally separate discussion to the institutional structuring of
knowledge creation industries are the
philosophica/ontological.epistemological approaches which need not
match institutional structuring of knowlege
except if you want to make a living doing it !!

J then goes on:
I've been involved in two such areas that have been "around" for
quite some time.

The first is computer animation and, more specifically, character
animation. When I teach character animation to computer science
students, I cover not only the mechanical, mathematical aspects of
animation, I also address the biology of humans, their skeletal
structure, how muscles control motion, etc. I also present students
with a discussion of physics and locomotion, and how the two are
related. Yet, in addition to these scientific underpinnings of
animation, I also address the aesthetic aspects of motion and
animation, such as color, lighting, composition, etc.

A second area that has emerged as of late is that of Digital Media,
which at my university is a combination of Art, Communications, and
Computer Science. This new major has a series of four courses that act
as the backbone for the degree. These four courses comprise topics
that arise at the intersection of Art, Communications and Computer
Science, and as such demonstrate how each of these "feeder"
disciplines feeds off each other in the creation of a new discipline.

I'd love to hear other, concrete examples from my fellow Yasminers!

my thoughts

indeed throughout history new areas of practice have 'emerged' by
combining several existing disciplines like your examples of digital
media or computer animation - indeed- in our ATEC school at UTDallas
we call this now 'animationx' and animation includes not only
character animation , but also data animation which in data science is
an emerging area of interest

my own example is that I myself got a PhD in astrophysics-- but course
in the 19th century this discipline did not exist- we had astronomy
and physics and after 50 years of squabling it became astrophysics-
though some universities still call it astronomy, and include physics
within the research methods of astronomy, and others call it physics
with a sub discipline of astrophysics depending on how the
institutional squabbling and turf wars were resolved ( see randall
collins 'sociology of philosophy' to understand the interplay betweeen
epsitemology and sociology.

thanks J-sorry i cant find your actual name-when you reply please sign
your email !

roger malina

Roger is in Dallas
whatsapp, eechat , messenger+1-510-853-2007 and +33680459447 in
europe.This email address for leonardo related work,
rmalina@alum.mit.edu use roger.malina@utdallas.edu for UTD work


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 08:36:27 +0100
From: YASMIN DISCUSSIONS <yasmin_discussions@ntlab.gr>
To: yasmin_discussions@ntlab.gr
Subject: [Yasmin_discussions] WWWWASP Discussion
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Dear Yasminers,

As Guillermo mentions, in our Visual and Multimedia Art Master's degree,
his? collaboration has always consisted in communicating complex
scientific? concepts to confront art students with knowledge that
escapes their language and the methods they dominate in their research.
We do not choose science popularization as a vehicle to get familiar
with these new concepts. On the contrary, Guillermo used the newest
science published papers. This introduces a relevant factor, the idea of
receiving first-hand information about complex and technical content.
All along these years I have used this strategy with experts in forensic
medicine, synthetic biology or bioinformatics and I could conclude that
comparing helps to understand. It also allows to relate the artistic
concerns with the scientific devices and concepts, generating multiple
disciplinary crosses such as bioart. However, I do not believe that this
final practice constitutes a new discipline such as biochemistry.

I agree with Roger in his statement on the hierarchies: the scientist
has the fundamental resources in the university (labs, expensive
infrastructure, human resources, etc.), although the artist develops his
teaching work in the university and his role as researcher / artist is
performed outside (atelier). Opening the doors of scientific
laboratories to artists should be an objective of the whole university
institution itself, since questioning from multiple perspectives is
beneficial to all; beyond publications in high impact journals and
though patents, much consideration in these directions is needed. To
what extent does research contribute to the changing relationship
between humans and world? Which are the social

Best wishes,

Salom? Cuesta
Dir. Dpto. Escultura
Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia


----- CONTACTO----
Tel: (34) 96 38 77 007 Ext. Int. 74801/14825
M?vil: 689 285 254
Fax:(34) 96 387 74 89
Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia:http://www.upv.es
Departamento Escultura:http://www.upv.es/entidades/DE/index-es.html
Grupo de Investigaci?n Laboratorio de Luz:http://www.laboluz.com
M?ster Oficial en Artes Visuales y Multimedia:


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End of Yasmin_discussions Digest, Vol 18, Issue 2