Monday, April 6, 2009



Yasmin readers should be aware of a series of discussions and exhibitions
that are taking place on the MIT campus.
I shall record the Data Portraits discussion and film the complimentary
exhibit Connections and post each online for Yasmin readers.
These works are relevant to the current topic of New Media: User's Behavior,
Social Systems and the Body Politic.

Joseph Ingoldsby
Joseph Ingoldsby's latest publication Vanishing Landscapes can be read in
the current issue of Leonardo Journal, MIT Press 42-2-2009.
An exhibition, Vanishing Landscapes and Endangered Species is at the
UWI-Madison Arboretum May-June 2009.

On 4/6/09 3:34 PM, "Jordan Crandall" <> wrote:

> I very much appreciate Eugenio Tisselli's unpacking of the mobile phone --
> the mobile phone as a collection of various components, which are connected
> to other networks too (and which have political dimensions, as Ricardo
> outlines too) -- and the way that thinking in terms of actor-networks
> (Latour) and assemblings can offset distinctions between things like global
> and local. To think in terms of 1) network topologies, and 2) dynamical
> systems, is to begin to envision the world in terms of emergent systems
> where distinctions like local and global (or living and the non-living,
> subject and object, nature and culture, or tool and art form [as Teresa
> Wagner asked]) are not made a priori but rather, are understood as emergent
> categories.
> Lately I have been working on a development of asssemblage theory (based in
> Manuel De Landa's development of Deleuze's original concept). At its basis,
> an assemblage is a moving population of symbiotic, co-functioning actors
> that has stabilized through shared, variably recurrent processes.
> Assemblages are dynamic process-entities that are continually stabilizing
> and destabilizing -- absorbing and releasing, integrating and disintegrating
> -- as they move above or below levels of organizational complexity, scale,
> intensity, and materialization. Since they work at multiple scales, from
> the sub-personal to the environmental, they can connect subjective, social,
> and urban processes. They provide useful ways of envisioning emergent
> systems, modeling complex biological, social, and urban processes -- and in
> this sense, they can be useful for social simulations, along the lines that
> Roger Malina put forth in his message. I too would like to know about work
> that is engaged in modeling complex social systems (whether or not using
> assemblage rubric).
> Ricardo asks,
>> But here again we need to know what is local? Nodes as countries, nations,
> communities, couples, individuals, etcŠ?
> With assemblages there are not just nodes, but clusterings, in various
> degrees of complexity, stability, scale, and intensity. All things are not
> equal. Some assemblages (nations) are higher-order entities than others
> (social groups). Distinctions like local would arise from the mix (a
> subjective here-and-now perspective; a felt connection stabilized; etc.)
> The discussion is very interesting!
> Jordan

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