Wednesday, February 11, 2009

[Yasmin_discussions] synesthesia and polysemy

Hi everyone,

thank you for this subject, difficult but stimulating !!
I would like to offer some of my thougths, as an artist :

I am not looking for any scientific justification.
I am not trying to illustrate a scientific law -if it exists.

What I like in art is polysemy, openness, vibration of feelings,
(visual pleasure/sensation related to intern/proprioceptive pleasure/sensation)
relationships between shapes and colors, and their diversity, poetry, etc.
as every one here probably.

Synesthesia, in a scientific meaning, links something to something too linearly
or too directly - for me.
"When I hear a violin, I see something like a rich red wine"
This doesn't help me to feel art better, or to create differently.
I like non 'bijective', non 'unic' relations, but polyvalence, ambivalence.

I like the idea of the artist/poet making unexpected/strange metaphores,
but how is it linked to synesthesia ?

here is my work :
and the current research :
you can have it run at home once a month (real time)
I started in 1990. I am doing abstract/flat/organic 3D images (and finishing now
an interactive installation based on the gaze direction)

Best regards,

Anne-Sarah Le Meur - Paris
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