Monday, July 27, 2009

[Yasmin_announcements] Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design

Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design
Designing Advanced Artifacts, Networks, Environments and Services


What is the Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design?
The Master in Interaction Design is a postgraduate degree that
combines design, new media, robotics, intelligent systems and advanced
materials to create a unique profile and to explore new territories in
the field of Design, Innovation and Human Factors.
The Master in Interaction Design places Interaction Design at the
centre of an original curriculum where it serves as the key element in
the design of Advanced Artifacts, Environments, Networks and Services.

Goals and contents
The Master in Interaction Design offers to students specialized
knowledge and skills of Interaction Design. Analytical methods and a
pragmatic problem-solving approach to Design are applied in a
laboratory environment where prototyping and testing of various
solutions qualify the students to pursue professional design career
goals in industry, research or studios, wherever technological
innovation and Design meet.
The goal of the Master is to train skilled professionals able to lead
multidisciplinary team design projects within the most innovative
industrial and design fields.

University SUPSI
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana
Department DACD Ambiente Costruzioni e Design
Area LCV Laboratorio Cultura Visiva
Head Massimo Botta
Contact +41 (0)58 666 63 82
6952 Canobbio – Lugano

Pier Luigi Capucci
skype: plcapucci

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